CWW #318 (Vintage)

Ain't No Sunshine - Borris Gardiner
Witchi tai to - Harpers bizarre
Oh My Son - The Talbot Brothers of Bermuda
A New Day Begins - The Parliaments
Can You Get To That - Mavis Staples
Flight of the Phoenix - Dennis the Fox
Enoch Power - Millie Smalls
bright moments - 1001 est cramazie
Try a little tenderness - little miss cornshucks
Jump Sturdy - Dr. John
Adam & Eve (part 2) - Leon Gardner
Los Diplomaticos
Il n'y a pas de crocodiles a Cocody - Francis Bebey
String Bean - Little joe Cook
Holy Thursday (live version)- David Axelrod
Do you know? - Barbara and Ernie
I Count My Blessings- The Nu Sounds
I Just Can't Sleep - Lohnny & The Baa Baas
a million tears - James Mccleese
When I was a little boy - Brother John Sellers
Big Hand, Little Hand - Ronnie Savoy
The Cockfight - Sam the Sham & The Pharaohs
Raisin' Sugar Cane - The Untouchables
Child of the Earth - Hugh Masekela
Budget Debate - Lord Laro
Strike on Computers - Johnny Guitar Watson
****Interview - talking about stuff w/ Nov ******
Any Day Now - Ian and the Zodiacs
Drumming is a Language - African Head Charge
How Long are you Staying? - Bill Joy
It's not unusual - Willie Bobo
It's alright - The Notations
Lovely How I Let My Mind Float - De La Soul & Biz Markie
What's Love Got to do With It - Fatman Ridim Section