8:00am, 10-6-2024

<< The Sound Of Pictures
- 8:02am “Simon & Mr. Bunch” by Cast & Danny Brenner, Hugh O’Donovan, John L. Horn, Kevin Okurland-music on THE RHYTHM THIEF (n/a, 1994)
- 8:06am “How Dreams are Prepared”/”If You Rescue Me”/”Golden the Pony Boy” Sung by Kimiko Ono-Bernard by Gael Garcia Bernal, Jean-Michel Bernard-music on THE SCIENCE OF SLEEP (n/a, 2006)
- 8:10am “Meet Paul and Betty” by Larry Blamire & Fay Masterson on THE LOST SKELETON OF CADAVRA (n/a, 2001)
- 8:11am “The Problem with Aliens” by Bill Murray on GHOSTBUSTERS (n/a, 1984)
- 8:14am “Movie Remix” by Cast on AMERICAN GRAFFITI (n/a, 1973)
- 8:19am “Movie Remix” by Cast on THE DARK KNIGHT (n/a, 2008)
- 8:23am “I Wore this Suit for You” by Joe Pesci & Fred Gwynne on MY COUSIN VINNY (n/a, 1992)
- 8:27am “Pass the Bisquits Pappy O’Daniel” by Tim Blake Nelson, Charles Durning and Stephen Root on OH BROTHER WHERE ART THOU? (n/a, 2000)
- 8:29am Movie Plunder by Woody Allen & Tracy Ullman on SMALL TIME CROOKS (n/a, 2000)
- 8:30am “This Poem Sucks” by Mike Myers on SO I MARRIED AN AXE MURDERER (n/a, 1992)
- 8:31am “The Super Hero Relocation Program”/Movie Plunder by Cast on THE INCREDIBLES (n/a, 2004)
- 8:36am “Waiting For The Man”/movie remix Lou Reed, performed by David Bowie by Patrick Fugit, Billy Crudup, Frances McDormand on ALMOST FAMOUS (n/a, 2000)
- 8:44am “Radio Scan”/”Problema” by Vincent Gallo, Maribel Verdu, Alden Ehrenreich on TETRO (n/a, 2009)
- 8:47am “Please Take This Job” by Marlon Brando & Rod Steiger on ON THE WATERFRONT (n/a, 1954)
- 8:50am “Big Sweaty Wod of Money” by Jack Nicholson, Helen Hunt, Greg Kinnear on AS GOOD AS IT GETS (n/a, 1997)
- 8:55am ”Where Is This Boat Going?” by Rian Johnson-director, Nathan Johnson-music on THE BROTHERS BLOOM movie remix (n/a, 2008)
- 8:57am “Doubted” by TJ Mixson by Adrian Younge and Ali Shaheed Muhammad on UNREASONABLE DOUBT Sea. 2 OST (Hollywood Records, 2024)